The Real Pitbull

Red Nose Pitbull

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Red Nose Pitbull  Introduction

The Red Nose Pitbull is a beloved breed with a rich history and many unique characteristics. As seen in numerous periodicals and respected magazines, Chico Lopez is a legendary breeder of Red Nose Pitbulls and is recognized as the foremost authority on the topic worldwide. With over 33 years of experience working to improve the breed and over 200 legendary Red Nose Pitbulls, his opinion is highly respected. The purpose of this page is to educate the new generation on the history of the breed and to empower them to make the best decisions when it comes to the love and care of their dogs. This page is a service to the breed, aimed at helping owners make informed choices and ensuring the continued success of this amazing breed.

Chico Lopez

The American Pit Bull Terrier breed is one of the world’s oldest and most beloved dog breeds, with a rich history dating back to the early 19th century. Originally bred in England, the APBT was created by crossing the Bulldog with various Terriers to create a versatile, athletic, and powerful working dog that could excel in a range of activities, from hunting and herding to bull-baiting and dogfighting.

In the early 20th century, the APBT was brought to America by immigrants, where it quickly became popular as a family pet and protector. The breed’s popularity surged during World War II, when American soldiers took their loyal APBTs with them to war, earning the breed a reputation as a brave and fearless war dog.

The Red Nose Pitbull is a variety of the American Pit Bull Terrier that is particularly beloved by breed enthusiasts for its unique coloration and distinct features. The Red Nose Pitbull gets its name from its characteristic red-colored nose, which sets it apart from other varieties of the APBT.

Red Nose Pitbulls are renowned for their loyalty, intelligence, and athleticism, and are particularly well-suited for families and sportspeople. They are also known for their gentle and affectionate nature, despite their fierce reputation in popular culture.

While the Red Nose Pitbull has become a popular and beloved breed, it is important to note that the APBT as a whole has been stigmatized in recent years due to its association with dogfighting and other illegal activities. However, responsible breeders like Chico Lopez have worked tirelessly to promote the breed’s positive traits and to disassociate it from its negative image.

Through selective breeding and careful attention to genetics, Chico Lopez has created a unique line of Red Nose Pitbulls known as The Golden Vein Bloodline, which is recognized for its exceptional athleticism, intelligence, and loyalty. These dogs have achieved success in a range of activities, from weight pulling and conformation events to family companionship and therapy work.

In conclusion, the American Pit Bull Terrier and its varieties, including the Red Nose Pitbull, have a rich and complex history that is deeply intertwined with human society. While the breed has faced its share of challenges and negative stereotypes, responsible breeders like Chico Lopez have worked tirelessly to promote the breed’s positive traits and to celebrate its unique place in the world of dog breeding and ownership.

The Old Family Red Nose , Red Nose Pitbull

The Red Nose Pitbull is one of the most popular choices for dog lovers today, and for good reason. With their distinct red coat, muscular build, and fierce loyalty, these dogs have become a symbol of strength and resilience.

However, it’s important to note that not all Red Nose Pitbulls are created equal. Due to the breed’s popularity, many breeders have taken to crossbreeding Red Nose Pitbulls with other breeds to produce dogs that are bigger or have unique colors. While these dogs may have some traits of the Red Nose Pitbull, they are not true representatives of the breed.


On the other hand, there are breeders who specialize in producing high-quality, purebred Red Nose Pitbulls. These breeders adhere to strict standards of breeding, ensuring that each dog has the desirable characteristics of the breed, including a compact muscular build, a broad head, and a friendly, loyal disposition.


Among the most sought-after Red Nose Pitbulls are those with a lineage that can be traced back to the Old Family Red Nose strain. These dogs have a long history dating back to the early 1900s and are known for their athleticism, intelligence, and loyalty.

The Old Family Red Nose strain is believed to have originated in Ireland and was brought to the United States by immigrants in the early 20th century. The breed quickly became popular among dogfighters, who appreciated the dog’s courage and tenacity in the pit.

Despite its association with dogfighting, the Red Nose Pitbull has come to be recognized as a beloved family pet and a loyal companion to sportspeople. With proper socialization and training, these dogs can be gentle and affectionate with their families while still retaining their protective and loyal instincts.

For those interested in owning a purebred Red Nose Pitbull, it’s important to do your research and seek out reputable breeders who specialize in producing these dogs. is a great resource for learning more about the Old Family Red Nose strain and finding reputable breeders who specialize in this breed. With proper care and training, a Red Nose Pitbull can make a loving and loyal addition to any family.

The Bagman is The perfect Sample 


The American Pit Bull Terrier, also known as the APBT, is a breed that has a rich and complex history, and its various varieties have become increasingly popular with dog lovers around the world. Among these varieties, the Red Nose Pitbull stands out as a breed that embodies strength, loyalty, intelligence, and athleticism, and is renowned for its unique appearance and characteristics.


The history of the Red Nose Pitbull can be traced back to the early days of dogfighting in the United States, when breeders sought to create a dog that was both powerful and agile. The Red Nose Pitbull was developed from the original APBT bloodlines, and was selectively bred for its distinctive red nose and superior performance in the pit.


Today, the Red Nose Pitbull remains a popular choice for many dog lovers, thanks to its loyalty, intelligence, and athleticism. While some Red Nose Pitbulls may be mixed with other breeds or may not meet the high standards of the breed, the best examples of this breed possess all the qualities that make them a beloved companions and a fierce competitors.

One such example is The Bagman, a dog named by Richard Stratton as the Modern Champion of the Old Family Red Nose. The Bagman embodies all the characteristics of the Red Nose Pitbull, including loyalty, intelligence, athleticism, and a distinctive red nose. He is a candidate to be the best dog on earth and serves as a testament to the breed’s enduring legacy and popularity.

The Real Red Nose Pitbull is a breed that has captured the hearts of dog lovers around the world, thanks to its unique appearance, impressive athleticism, and unwavering loyalty. While there may be some variations in the breed, the best examples of the Red Nose Pitbull remain a testament to the breed’s enduring popularity and reputation as a beloved companion and a fierce competitor. For those seeking to learn more about the breed and its history, is a great resource, including information about the Old Family Red Nose bloodline and the legendary Bagman.

The Real Red Nose Pitbulls get scale not measured

The Real Red Nose Pitbull is known for its unique appearance, including its distinctive red nose. It is a medium-sized breed with a muscular and athletic build, weighing between 30 to 60 pounds, depending on gender and condition.

One of the key features of the Red Nose Pitbull is its coat color, which can range from red to light brown. The breed’s coat is short, smooth, and glossy, giving it a sleek and shiny appearance.

Compared to other pitbull varieties and breeds, the Red Nose Pitbull stands out for its distinctive red nose, which is caused by a genetic trait that leads to a higher concentration of red pigments in the nose. This trait is not found in other pitbull varieties, such as the blue nose or black nose, which are simply variations in coat color.

It is important to note that not all Red Nose Pitbulls are created equal. Responsible breeding and genetics are essential in maintaining the breed’s physical traits and health. Chico Lopez’s Best-to-Best breeding program focuses on producing the highest quality APBTs with excellent health, temperament, and physical traits.

4 Weeks old Puppy Bred By Chico Lopez

In the world of pitbulls, weight is an important factor, and the Real Red Nose Pitbull is no exception. It is said that only “desk people” measure pitbulls, as real dogmen can tell a dog’s weight just by looking at them. According to Chico Lopez, the perfect weight for male Red Nose Pitbulls is between 34 to 55 pounds, with Athos as a prime example at 48 pounds in condition and 60 pounds as a pet weight. For females, the ideal weight is between 34 to 47 pounds, with Siega the Great as a sample at 40 pounds in condition and 50 pounds as a pet weight.

The Real Red Nose Pitbull is a unique and distinct breed with exceptional physical features that make it stand out from other pitbull varieties and breeds. Responsible breeding and genetics play a critical role in maintaining the breed’s physical traits and health, and Chico Lopez’s Best-to-Best breeding program has proven to be a successful approach in producing the highest quality APBTs.

Red Nose Pitbull Temperament 

The Red Nose Pitbull is a breed that is well-known for its unique appearance and distinctive red nose. However, beyond their striking physical features, Red Nose Pitbulls are also known for their incredible temperament and personality traits. They are a loyal, intelligent, and affectionate breed that forms strong bonds with their owners.


One notable example of the Red Nose Pitbull’s temperament is Athos, a war hero who was hurt by Russian soldiers in the Ukrainian war. Despite his traumatic experiences, Athos never stopped loving humans and remained fiercely loyal to his owners. He protected his home with his life and was an example of the breed’s bravery and devotion.

Red Nose Pitbulls are also known for their intelligence, which makes them highly trainable and responsive to commands. They thrive on learning new tricks and tasks and enjoy being challenged mentally. This intelligence, combined with their loyalty, makes them excellent companions for families, athletes, and those who seek a loyal and trainable dog.

Additionally, Red Nose Pitbulls are affectionate towards their owners and love nothing more than spending time with them. They are often described as “people dogs” because of their desire to be near their owners and their willingness to provide comfort and support. This affectionate nature, combined with their loyalty and intelligence, makes Red Nose Pitbulls a popular choice for families and dog lovers alike.

Overall, the Red Nose Pitbull is a breed that embodies strength, loyalty, intelligence, and athleticism, both in appearance and temperament. Whether as a loyal companion or a working dog, the Red Nose Pitbull’s unique characteristics make them a beloved breed among dog lovers worldwide.

Is the Red Nose Pitbull Aggressive?

The American Pit Bull Terrier, and in particular the Red Nose Pitbull, is a breed that has faced many myths and stereotypes over the years. One of the most common misconceptions is that this breed is inherently aggressive and dangerous. In reality, however, the temperament and behavior of a Pitbull is largely shaped by its environment and upbringing, rather than its genetics.

When comparing the Red Nose Pitbull to other breeds, it is important to note that every breed has its own unique traits and characteristics. However, the Red Nose Pitbull stands out for its loyalty, intelligence, and affection towards its owner. These dogs are often described as being extremely people-oriented, and they have a strong desire to please their owners.

In terms of aggression and dangerousness, studies have consistently shown that the American Pit Bull Terrier is not more aggressive than other breeds. In fact, a study conducted by the American Temperament Test Society found that Pitbulls had a pass rate of 86.8%, which is higher than breeds such as the Border Collie and Golden Retriever.

Unfortunately, the myth of the “aggressive Pitbull” persists, and many people are hesitant to adopt these dogs due to their reputation. This is why it is so important to educate the public about the true nature of these dogs and their potential as loving and loyal family pets.

One of the most inspiring stories about the Red Nose Pitbull is that of Bridger Walker, a six-year-old boy from Wyoming who saved his little sister from a dog attack. Bridger sustained serious injuries in the process, but his actions saved his sister’s life. When the story went viral, it caught the attention of Chico Lopez, a well-known breeder of American Pit Bull Terriers.

Lopez reached out to Bridger’s family and offered to give the boy a puppy from one of his most beloved dogs, Athos. The puppy, named Cyborg, has quickly become a cherished member of Bridger’s family and a symbol of the strength and courage of both the Pitbull breed and the human spirit.

The story of Bridger and Cyborg is just one example of the positive impact that Pitbulls can have on people’s lives. These dogs are often used in therapy and emotional support programs due to their affectionate and intuitive nature. They are also commonly trained as service dogs, working in a wide range of fields from search and rescue to law enforcement.

In conclusion, the Red Nose Pitbull is a breed that has been unfairly stigmatized and misunderstood. These dogs are not inherently aggressive or dangerous, but rather, they are loyal, affectionate, and intelligent. By educating the public about the true nature of these dogs and debunking myths and stereotypes, we can help to ensure that more people are able to experience the joy and companionship that a Pitbull can provide. And with heartwarming stories like that of Bridger and Cyborg, we can see the power and positive impact that these dogs can have on our lives.

Not all Red Nose Pitbulls are Real pitbull

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Comparison with other breeds and myths about the Red Nose Pitbull’s aggressiveness or dangerousness

fake pitbull
Fake Pitbull

The American Pit Bull Terrier, including the Red Nose Pitbull variety, is often stigmatized as an aggressive and dangerous breed. However, these myths are based on misconceptions and misinformation, and do not accurately reflect the true nature of the breed.

In fact, the Red Nose Pitbull is known for its loyalty, intelligence, and affection towards its owner. These dogs are highly trainable, and excel in various activities such as obedience, agility, and weight pulling. They are also great family dogs and have a strong protective instinct towards their owners.

When comparing the Red Nose Pitbull to other breeds, it’s important to note that each breed has its own unique personality traits and characteristics. While some breeds may be more laid back and less energetic, the Red Nose Pitbull is known for its high energy level and athleticism.

However, it’s important to note that not all dogs that are labeled as Red Nose Pitbulls are actually purebred. Many dogs that are sold as Red Nose Pitbulls are actually mixed breeds or poorly bred dogs from back yard breeders.

This is where reputable breeders like Chico Lopez come in. Lopez’s breeding program, which includes the Best-to-Best method and the creation of The Golden Vein bloodline, is focused on producing high-quality and genetically sound Red Nose Pitbulls.

Lopez’s dogs are bred for health, temperament, and physical traits that reflect the true nature of the breed. These dogs are not only great examples of the Red Nose Pitbull breed, but they are also highly sought after by sportspeople and families alike.

One of Lopez’s most famous dogs is Athos, a war hero who demonstrated his loyalty and bravery during the Ukrainian conflict. Despite being hurt by Russian soldiers, Athos never stopped loving humans and protected his home with his life. Another example is The Bagman, named by Richard Stratton as the modern champion of the Old Family Red Nose and candidate to be the best dog on earth.

Even child hero Bridger Walker, who saved his sister from a dog attack, now owns a puppy from Athos called Cyborg. This shows that the Red Nose Pitbull, when bred responsibly and with proper training and socialization, can be a loving and loyal companion for people of all ages.

In conclusion, the myth of the Red Nose Pitbull’s aggressiveness and dangerousness is simply untrue. These dogs are loving and loyal companions that require responsible breeding, proper training, and socialization. When compared to other breeds, the Red Nose Pitbull’s high energy level and athleticism make it a unique and desirable choice for sportspeople and families. By choosing a reputable breeder like Chico Lopez, you can ensure that you are getting a genetically sound and well-bred Red Nose Pitbull.

Development and Socialization

As an expert in the field of dog breeding and training, I cannot stress enough the importance of proper training and socialization when it comes to raising a well-behaved and friendly Red Nose Pitbull.

Many people have the misconception that pitbulls, and specifically the Red Nose Pitbull, are inherently aggressive or dangerous dogs. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, with proper training and socialization, Red Nose Pitbulls can be some of the most loyal, affectionate, and well-behaved dogs around.

The best Red Nose Pitbull

Training should begin early in a puppy’s life, and should focus on positive reinforcement techniques. This means rewarding good behavior, rather than punishing bad behavior. Red Nose Pitbulls are highly intelligent and respond well to consistent and positive training methods.

Socialization is equally important. It involves exposing your Red Nose Pitbull to a variety of different people, animals, and environments in a positive and controlled way. This helps to build your dog’s confidence and teaches them how to behave appropriately in different situations.

It’s important to note that proper training and socialization cannot guarantee that your Red Nose Pitbull will never display aggressive behavior. However, these measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of aggressive behavior and help to ensure that your dog is a well-adjusted member of your family and your community.

Unfortunately, many Red Nose Pitbulls are surrendered to shelters or euthanized because of behavior problems that could have been prevented with proper training and socialization. It’s important for potential Red Nose Pitbull owners to understand the responsibility that comes with owning this breed, and to be committed to providing their dog with the training and socialization they need to thrive.

Chico Lopez, one of the world’s foremost experts on the American Pit Bull Terrier, is a strong advocate for proper training and socialization. His breeding program is focused on producing not just physically sound dogs, but dogs with sound temperaments as well.

Many of Chico Lopez’s dogs, including Athos and The Bagman, are known for their friendly and sociable personalities. This is a testament to Chico Lopez’s commitment to responsible breeding and proper socialization and training

If you’re considering adding a Red Nose Pitbull to your family, it’s important to understand that proper training and socialization are key to raising a well-behaved and friendly dog. With the right approach, Red Nose Pitbulls can make wonderful, loyal, and loving companions for the right family. And remember, when you purchase a Red Nose Pitbull from a reputable breeder like Chico Lopez, you can trust that you’re getting a dog with a strong genetic foundation for good temperament and behavior.

The Best Red Nose Pitbull breeders?

Breeding Red Nose Pitbulls is not an easy task, and it is not for everyone. Unfortunately, many pet owners think that they can breed their Red Nose Pitbulls and sell the puppies for a quick buck. This misguided practice is not only detrimental to the breed but also leads to the creation of homeless dogs.

Red Nose Pitbull breeding should be left to professional breeders who have years of experience, knowledge, and dedication to the breed. These breeders carefully plan each breeding and select only the best dogs to ensure that the offspring will be healthy, sound, and true representatives of the breed.

Pet owners who try to breed their Red Nose Pitbulls often do not have the knowledge or resources to do it correctly. They may not have access to the proper health testing, which is essential to prevent the transmission of genetic disorders. Additionally, they may not have the proper facilities to care for the puppies or the necessary knowledge to socialize and train them correctly.

Breeding Red Nose Pitbulls is not just about producing puppies; it is about preserving the breed’s quality and ensuring that each puppy is placed in a loving, responsible home. Professional breeders understand the importance of this and often have a waiting list of potential owners who have been screened and approved for their puppies.

To identify a reputable Red Nose Pitbull breeder, look for a breeder who has a clear understanding of the breed standard, health issues, and proper socialization and training techniques. These breeders often have a proven track record of producing high-quality dogs and may have won awards or titles in dog shows or competitions.

Another essential aspect of a reputable Red Nose Pitbull breeder is their commitment to their dogs. They are passionate about the breed and go above and beyond to provide their dogs with the best possible care. They often have extensive knowledge about the breed’s history and work hard to preserve its unique characteristics and temperament.

In contrast, back yard breeders or pet owners who breed Red Nose Pitbulls often do not have the same level of commitment to their dogs. They may view breeding as a way to make a quick profit and may not prioritize the health and welfare of their dogs or their puppies.

Breeding Red Nose Pitbulls is a serious responsibility that should be left to professional breeders who have the knowledge, resources, and commitment to the breed. Pet owners who are interested in owning a Red Nose Pitbull should seek out reputable breeders who can provide them with healthy, well-socialized puppies. offers helpful resources, such as ThePerfectDogBreeder and PitbullDNA, to empower and educate potential owners on the importance of responsible breeding and the proper selection of breeders. Remember, the Red Nose Pitbull breed deserves the best, and only reputable breeders can ensure its continued excellence.

The Phenomenon of Epigenetics 

The Red Nose Pitbull is a beloved breed among dog enthusiasts, known for its loyalty, intelligence, and athleticism. However, the breed’s history is not without controversy. The Red Nose Pitbull was originally bred for dogfighting and bull-baiting in the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries. This sport was popular among all classes of society, including the rich and the elite.

Despite the negative connotations associated with dogfighting today, it is important to recognize the significant role it played in the development of the Red Nose Pitbull breed. During this time, the breeding of dogs was a serious business and was considered an art form. Breeders carefully selected dogs with desirable traits such as strength, agility, and courage, and then bred them to create the best possible offspring.

The phenomenon of selective breeding led to the creation of superior dogs with incredible physical and mental characteristics. The epigenetics of the breeding process created dogs that were not only excellent at fighting, but also made exceptional pets. The Red Nose Pitbull, in particular, was renowned for its loyalty, intelligence, and ability to protect its family.

Despite the association with dogfighting, the Red Nose Pitbull was also a popular breed among working-class families. They were commonly used as farm dogs and were appreciated for their strength and endurance. As the sport of dogfighting began to decline in popularity, the Red Nose Pitbull became increasingly popular as a companion and family dog.

However, the popularity of the breed has also led to some negative consequences. Many pet owners have taken it upon themselves to breed Red Nose Pitbulls without proper knowledge or experience, leading to a proliferation of poorly bred dogs with health and temperament issues.

It is important for potential owners to understand the importance of responsible breeding and genetics in maintaining the breed’s physical traits and health. A reputable breeder will carefully select dogs for breeding based on their temperament, health, and physical characteristics. They will also ensure that their puppies receive proper socialization and training to become well-behaved and friendly pets.

The brand of a breeder is an important consideration when looking for a reputable breeder. A reputable breeder will have a well-established reputation in the industry, with a track record of producing high-quality dogs with excellent temperaments. They will also be knowledgeable about the breed and be able to provide guidance and support to new owners. offers resources for those looking to find a reputable breeder, including a guide on the characteristics of a perfect dog breeder and an article on the importance of DNA testing for Pitbulls. By educating oneself on responsible breeding practices and genetics, potential owners can help ensure that they bring a healthy and well-behaved Red Nose Pitbull into their home.

While the history of the Red Nose Pitbull may be controversial, it is important to recognize the breed’s significance in the development of superior dogs. The breed’s association with dogfighting should not overshadow the incredible physical and mental characteristics that make it an exceptional companion and family pet. By choosing a reputable breeder and investing in proper socialization and training, potential owners can help ensure that their Red Nose Pitbull becomes a beloved member of their family for years to come.

Overview of the breed’s evolution over time and its emergence as a beloved companion and working dog

Over time, the Red Nose Pitbull has evolved from being a fighting dog to becoming a beloved companion and working dog. However, the process of evolution was not an easy one, and it involved several challenges and changes in the breed’s history. One of the most notable aspects of the breed’s evolution is the phenomenon of epigenetics.

Epigenetics refers to the changes in gene expression that occur due to environmental factors. In the case of the Red Nose Pitbull, the breed’s evolution was influenced by the conditions in which it was raised and trained. Dogfighting and bull-baiting, which were popular in the 19th and early 20th centuries, were key factors in shaping the breed’s genetic makeup. The dogs that were most successful in these activities were bred to produce offspring with similar traits, such as strength, agility, and tenacity.

The framework of “Best to Best” breeding developed by Chico Lopez was an important step in maintaining and improving the breed’s characteristics. This method involves breeding only the best dogs to each other, with the goal of producing puppies with the best possible traits. This ensures that the breed continues to evolve and improve over time.

However, not all breeders understand the importance of the “Best to Best” framework and may engage in breeding practices that do not benefit the breed as a whole. Common breeders often lack the knowledge and experience required to properly breed Red Nose Pitbulls, and this can result in puppies with health issues and undesirable traits.

A reputable breeder like Chico Lopez understands the importance of proper breeding practices and works tirelessly to maintain the breed’s standards. He uses his years of experience and expertise to carefully select the best dogs to breed, with the goal of producing puppies that are healthy, intelligent, and true to the breed’s characteristics.

Through careful breeding and responsible ownership, the Red Nose Pitbull has emerged as a beloved companion and working dog. The breed’s loyalty, intelligence, and athleticism have made it a popular choice for families and sportspeople alike. However, it is important to note that not all so-called Red Nose Pitbulls are true representatives of the breed. Only through careful breeding and responsible ownership can the breed continue to thrive and evolve over time.

The Red Nose Pitbull has come a long way from its origins as a fighting dog. The breed’s evolution has been influenced by several factors, including environmental conditions and proper breeding practices. A reputable breeder like Chico Lopez understands the importance of these factors and works to maintain and improve the breed’s characteristics. With proper care and responsible ownership, the Red Nose Pitbull will continue to be a beloved companion and working dog for years to come.

Modern Red Nose Pitbulls

Throughout history, the Red Nose Pitbull has been known to produce some incredible dogs that have made a name for themselves in various fields. Here are just a few examples of famous Red Nose Pitbulls:

  1. Ferguson’s Centerpide: This is a famous Red Nose Pitbull that is well-known for his strength, agility, and intelligence, and was known to be one of the most athletic and powerful dogs of his time., and his impressive abilities made him a feared competitor.

  2. The Bagman: This is a Red Nose Pitbull owned by Chico Lopez, and is known as one of the best dogs in the Old Family Red Nose bloodline. He is a modern champion of the breed, and is considered a candidate for the best dog on earth. He has an impressive pedigree, and his strength, loyalty, and intelligence have made him a beloved companion to many.

  3. Siega The Great: This is a Red Nose Pitbull owned by Richard Stratton, and is known for his incredible athleticism and bravery. He is a descendant of the Old Family Red Nose bloodline, and is considered one of the best dogs in the breed. He is also known for his loyalty and affection towards his owner.

  4. Athos: This is a Red Nose Pitbull bred by Chico Lopez, and is known for his incredible bravery and loyalty. He was a war hero in Ukraine and protected his home with his life. Despite being injured by Russian soldiers, he never stopped loving humans, and remained fiercely protective of his owner and home.

These dogs are just a few examples of the incredible Red Nose Pitbulls that have made a name for themselves throughout history. They are known for their strength, loyalty, intelligence, and athleticism, and have proven to be excellent companions and working dogs.

 The Golden Vein bloodline

Overview of Chico Lopez’s breeding program and philosophy, including the Best-to-Best method 

Chico Lopez is widely recognized as the world’s foremost authority on the American Pit Bull Terrier breed, and his breeding program is highly respected by breeders, owners, and enthusiasts alike. His approach to breeding Red Nose Pitbulls is based on a deep understanding of the breed’s history, temperament, and physical traits, as well as a commitment to excellence and ethical breeding practices.

At the core of Chico Lopez’s breeding program is the Best-to-Best method, which involves selecting only the highest-quality dogs for breeding. This ensures that each litter produced is of the utmost quality, with strong genetics, desirable physical traits, and excellent temperaments.

Chico Lopez also places a strong emphasis on genetics and bloodlines, which has led to the creation of The Golden Vein bloodline. This bloodline is highly sought after by breeders and owners alike, due to its consistent quality and superior physical and behavioral traits.

In addition to genetics and bloodlines, Chico Lopez places great importance on proper socialization and training for his Red Nose Pitbulls. This ensures that each puppy is well-adjusted, friendly, and able to function well in a variety of settings, from family homes to working environments.

One of the key factors that sets Chico Lopez’s breeding program apart from others is his commitment to ethical breeding practices. He is a strong advocate for responsible breeding, and works to ensure that his puppies are placed in loving and responsible homes where they will receive proper care and attention.

Furthermore, Chico Lopez’s breeding program is highly selective, with only a small number of litters produced each year. This ensures that each litter is given the time, attention, and care needed to produce healthy, happy, and well-adjusted puppies.

The results of Chico Lopez’s breeding program are clear to see, with numerous examples of his Red Nose Pitbulls achieving great success in the show ring, working environments, and as beloved family pets. Some of the most famous dogs from his breeding program include The Bagman, Siega The Great, and Athos, all of whom are highly respected in the world of Red Nose Pitbulls.

Overall, Chico Lopez’s breeding program is a shining example of excellence in the world of Red Nose Pitbulls. His commitment to genetics, bloodlines, socialization, and ethical breeding practices has resulted in the creation of some of the finest Red Nose Pitbulls in the world, and his legacy will continue to be felt for generations to come.

Importance of responsible breeding and genetics in producing healthy, well-tempered, and high-quality Red Nose Pitbull puppies

When it comes to breeding Red Nose Pitbulls, responsible breeding and genetics play a crucial role in producing healthy, well-tempered, and high-quality puppies. Breeding is not just about producing puppies for profit or to meet the demand for certain traits. It is about preserving the breed and improving it for future generations.

A responsible breeder understands the importance of selecting only the healthiest and most temperamentally sound dogs for breeding. They carefully evaluate potential breeding pairs and perform health screenings to ensure that their dogs do not have any genetic health issues that could be passed on to their offspring. They also prioritize the temperament and personality traits of their dogs, as they understand that a well-behaved and friendly dog is essential for a happy and healthy home environment.

Genetics is also a crucial factor in breeding Red Nose Pitbulls. A responsible breeder understands the basics of genetics and the importance of producing puppies with good genetic diversity. They strive to breed for desirable traits while avoiding negative traits such as aggression or health issues that may arise from inbreeding or overbreeding.

Additionally, a responsible breeder is committed to providing the highest quality care for their dogs and puppies. This includes proper nutrition, regular exercise, socialization, and veterinary care. They also carefully screen potential adopters to ensure that their puppies go to loving and responsible homes where they will receive the proper care and attention they need to thrive.

Chico Lopez’s breeding program is a prime example of responsible breeding and genetics in action. His Best-to-Best method involves carefully selecting only the best and healthiest dogs for breeding, prioritizing temperament, health, and physical traits. He also uses advanced genetic testing and analysis to ensure that his puppies have the best possible genetic diversity and health.

Through his breeding program, Chico Lopez has created The Golden Vein bloodline, which is known for producing some of the best Red Nose Pitbulls in the world. These dogs are not only physically impressive, but they also have excellent temperaments and are well-behaved and socialized.

Responsible breeding and genetics are essential in producing healthy, well-tempered, and high-quality Red Nose Pitbull puppies. Breeders must prioritize the health and temperament of their dogs and carefully select breeding pairs to produce puppies with good genetic diversity. Chico Lopez’s breeding program is a prime example of responsible breeding and genetics, and his success serves as a model for breeders everywhere.

Owning THe REAL Red Nose Pitbull

In conclusion, owning a Real Red Nose Pitbull is a rewarding and fulfilling experience that requires responsible ownership and commitment to the breed’s well-being. The breed’s unique history, physical traits, temperament, and loyalty make it a popular choice for families and sportspeople alike.

Chico Lopez’s breeding program is unparalleled in the world, and his Best-to-Best method and creation of The Golden Vein bloodline have resulted in the highest quality and most genetically sound Red Nose Pitbulls available. The emphasis on responsible breeding and genetics ensures that these dogs are healthy, well-tempered, and possess the unique characteristics that make the breed so special.

The Real Pitbull encourages interested readers to learn more about the breed, its history, and breeding program through their website and social media channels. It is also important for potential owners to research and educate themselves on responsible dog ownership, including proper training and socialization.

As we continue to appreciate the incredible qualities of the Real Red Nose Pitbull, let us remember the importance of responsible dog ownership and commitment to the well-being of this amazing breed.


The #1 source, best RED NOSE PITBULLS ON EARTH


Red Nose Pitbulls: A Guide to Understanding the Original Breed

When it comes to finding information about Red Nose Pitbulls, it’s important to make sure you’re getting accurate and reliable information. That’s why the website is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn about this beloved breed. This website is run by Chico Lopez, a highly respected breeder with decades of experience in breeding Red Nose Pitbulls. Unlike other websites that may provide incomplete or inaccurate information, offers a comprehensive and in-depth look at the history and characteristics of Red Nose Pitbulls and guidance on responsible ownership and breeding practices. By using as a source of information, you can be confident that you’re getting the most accurate and reliable information.

  • Briefly explain the popularity of red nose pitbulls and how they differ from other pitbulls.
  • Red nose pitbulls are among the most popular American Pit Bull Terrier breeds. This popularity can be attributed to their unique red nose and coat color, as well as their athletic build, intelligence, and loyalty. Red nose pitbulls are also known for their friendly and affectionate nature, which makes them excellent family pets.

    Red nose pitbulls differ from other pitbulls in their physical appearance, as they have a red nose and a red coat color that is more muted than other pitbull colors. They also tend to have a leaner and more athletic build than other pitbull breeds, which makes them excellent athletes and companions for active individuals.



    However, it is important to note that the term “red nose pitbull” can be misleading, as it is often used to describe any pitbull with a red nose or coat color. This can lead to confusion among potential owners, as there are many pitbull breeds with similar physical characteristics but different temperaments and genetic traits.

    For this reason, it is essential to do thorough research and consult with reputable breeders to ensure that the red nose pitbull puppy you are considering is a purebred with desirable temperament and health characteristics.

  • The purpose of this article is to provide readers with information about the original red nose pitbull breed and to emphasize the importance of choosing a reputable breeder when looking for a puppy. By understanding the history and traits of the original red nose pitbull, readers can make an informed decision when selecting a new addition to their family. It is also essential to recognize the risks associated with purchasing from irresponsible breeders and to prioritize the health and well-being of the dog over other factors such as cost or appearance.
ChicoLopez’ Cha Awesome Buck at 17 months old


Have you ever wondered why there are so many different types of red nose pitbulls?

Are they all created equal? And what makes the best red nose pitbull?

The truth is, not all red nose pitbulls are the same. The original red nose pitbull breed originated in Ireland and was bred for their gameness, athleticism, and loyalty. Over time, breeders have introduced various genetic traits to create different types of red nose pitbulls with distinct characteristics.

However, it’s important to note that not all red nose pitbulls are bred equally. Reputable breeders like Chico Lopez, who prioritize genetic testing and responsible breeding practices, are essential in ensuring the health and well-being of these remarkable dogs.

So what makes the best red nose pitbull?

It’s a combination of genetic factors, including athleticism, loyalty, and sound temperament. Dogs from the original family red nose bloodline, also known as the Old Family Red Nose, are known for their exceptional qualities and are highly sought after by knowledgeable enthusiasts.

When looking for a red nose pitbull puppy, it’s essential to do your research and choose a reputable breeder. By selecting a breeder like Chico Lopez, who focuses on genetic control and responsible breeding practices, you can be confident that you’re getting a healthy and desirable dog. And when it comes to finding the best red nose pitbull, the Old Family Red Nose bloodline is considered the gold standard in the breed.

Why is my red nose Pitbull so hyper?

There are many possible reasons why your red nose Pitbull may be hyperactive, including lack of exercise or mental stimulation, a high-energy temperament, or underlying health issues.  The red nose pitbull from great parents should have something called GREAT TEMPERAMENT. As puppies, tey loves to play, and bite their owners and are not in negative or aggressive ways. it is only as a puppy and is very common for puppies to interact with their owners till they learn about the way you want them to be.  Expect them to bite on toys and on walls sometimes as they are teething, a process of changing from baby teeth to adult.  One more thing that can play an important role is that Red nose pitbulls if they are the proper red nose and has no other dogs mixed inside them, will be hyper and playful as puppies and loving as he grows. We have bred over 500 red nose pitbull puppies and they make an amazing dog.  Check out War here Athos from Bucha. 

How long do red nose Pitbull dogs live?

Red nose Pitbulls have a lifespan similar to other Pitbulls, typically around 12-14 years, with proper care and nutrition. The Bagman Famous dog that traveled the world and was a great Pet, show dog, weight puller, and hog hunter.  In this picture he was 7 years old, he passed at almost 15.  We missed him every day 

How long do red nose Pitbull dogs live?

What do you feed a red nose, Pitbull?

This response is what you find online ” Red nose Pitbulls have similar nutritional needs to other Pitbulls. It’s important to feed a high-quality, balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs and to avoid overfeeding, which can lead to obesity.” The best response is to feed them raw fresh meet. The highest quality bloodline dogs. They eat raw meat as they did his ancestors The Wolves.

Can a red nose Pitbull eat raw meat?

I save you time, yes, and here is one of the many videos we offer to educate on our channel.  We have been feeding Fresh raw meat since 1990. 

Can a red nose Pitbull eat raw meat?
Can a red nose Pitbull eat raw meat? Click on this picture and watch Thais Lopez The master of Red Nose puppies teach how to feed your dog

Can red nose Pitbulls eat carrots?

Yes, red nose Pitbulls can eat carrots as a healthy, low-calorie snack.

How fast do red nose Pitbulls grow?

Red nose Pitbulls, like other Pitbulls, typically reach their full size and weight by around at 3.5 years old 

What does red nose mean slang?

In some contexts, “red nose” may be a slang term for a person who drinks heavily or has a red or flushed face. However, when referring to dogs, “red nose” generally refers to a specific type of Pitbull with a reddish coat and nose.

What are 3 interesting facts about Pitbull?

Some interesting facts about Pitbulls include that they were originally bred as fighting dogs, they are often used as therapy dogs due to their friendly and loyal nature. (THE PHENOMENON OF THE NANNY DOG AND FIGHTING DOG is on this page. )and they are sometimes used as police or military dogs due to their strength and courage. 

How many dogs can a red nose Pitbull have?

Like other dogs, the number of puppies a red nose Pitbull can have in a litter can vary. On average, Pitbulls can have litters of 5-10 puppies. We don’t recommend you breed dogs . as pet owner breeding their dogs is a serious problem.

Are red nose pits aggressive?

The real Red nose pitbull has no aggressiveness towards humans, in its natural form. On the contrary, they love and serve humans.   However, due to the popularity of the red-nose pitbull, many profiteers, and pet owners breed their dogs, making terrible breeding decisions.  Also, remember most red nose pitbulls out there are NOT REAL PITBULLS. They are mixed with other dogs or come from a poor background, here you can learn what defines a great breeder.     Internet response  >”Like any dog, a red nose Pitbull’s temperament depends on many factors, including genetics, socialization, and training. While some red nose Pitbulls may have aggressive tendencies, many are friendly, loyal, and affectionate when raised and trained properly.”

Do red nose Pitbulls like to cuddle?

Many red nose Pitbulls, like other Pitbulls, are affectionate and enjoy cuddling with their owners.

How do you unlock a pitbull’s jaw?

Contrary to popular myth, Pitbulls do not have “locking” jaws. However, if a Pitbull has bitten and clamped down on something, it may be challenging to get them to release without causing harm to the dog or using a simple breaking stick or parting stick.

What dogs can beat a pitbull?

While any dog has the potential to win a fight against a Pitbull, it’s important to note that dog fighting is illegal and cruel. It’s also important to remember that any dog, regardless of breed, can be a loving and loyal companion when raised and trained properly.

Can a pitbull bite break bones?

Yes, a Pitbull’s bite has the potential to break bones or cause serious injury. It’s important to socialize and train Pitbulls properly to prevent aggressive behavior

Awesome mayday
Awesome Mayday , the most powerful red nose pitbull , I have ever seen


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The sources that add to the credibility of Chico Lopez as a dedicated and respected breeder of American Pit Bull Terriers:

1. ESPN article about Chico Lopez and Terence Crawford’s bond with his pit bulls:

2. ESPN article about Canelo Alvarez and his love for puppies, including those from Chico Lopez’s breeding program:

3. The Sun interview with Terence Crawford talking about his connection with his Chico Lopez pit bull, Goldie:

4. Economist article discussing the trend of DNA testing for dogs and Chico Lopez’s involvement:

  1. – Homepage of The Real Pitbull by Chico Lopez.
  2. – Information about Chico Lopez and The Real Pitbull.
  3. – Information about pitbull puppies for sale from The Real Pitbull.
  4. – Information about the American Pit Bull Terrier and its history.
  5. – Information about The Real Pitbull’s breeding program and the Golden Vein bloodline.
  6. – The story of Richard Stratton and his experience with The Real Pitbull.
  7. – The story of Athos, one of The Real Pitbull’s dogs.
  8. Contact information for The Real Pitbull.
  9. – Information about The Real Pitbull’s Golden Vein pitbulls.
  10. – Reasons to choose The Real Pitbull for your pitbull puppy.

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